Writing… Contemplating… Planning… Thinking… Speculating… Wondering… Worrying… These times are certainly not easy for many. In many ways, the world has indeed shifted to another level of consciousness. But how much attention should we really give to what´s going on?… And how much should we give our own journeys?… Find the answers below.
Balance. If there´s no balance, there´s no continuous growth. Energy. If we don´t manage and create it ourselves, it won´t be there when we need it.
Just like you can´t turn on the engine of your car and expect it to run without feeding it gasoline, oil, and water in between, you need to feed yourself spiritual food, to be able to keep growing with sensibility without burning out.
Your brain won´t be able to comprehend if you put it on constant overdrive in terms of all the various information you´ll find on relevant topics for these times. You do need to take a step back every once in a while… And just BREATHE… Reflect… Pray… And re-adjust your compass towards better outcomes.
Even though it seems like making successful plans are not possible at the moment, you need to make them anyway. For your soul. Your sense of purpose and being. Especially in these times, where perhaps more than ever, we need direction and certainty.
Perhaps it is even easier to truly see what you´ll be able to achieve when having the space and peace of mind, as well as hours to just sit down and exist while thinking about how far you´ve come, what trajectory your life has taken, how, when and with which types of temporary interference underway, which might lend itself to reassure you that even though you temporarily bump into interference, it doesn´t mean you´re not moving forward…
They say “history repeats itself”. But only if we allow it. Every single one of us has the power to make new choices. And every single day, you wake up to see yet another sunrise, regardless of what you might think, the new dawn presents new possibilities. Possibilities of renewal. Recharging. Rebirth.
We all need those magical moments where we stand back and become the observer. Instead of perceiving ourselves as the ones being observed.
That is why it is, in fact, healthy to step out of your “being in control” and see what kinds of great indications and ideas will come to mind.
If you don´t empty your glass, how can you fill it up with something of better substance and taste?…
Whenever you find yourself thinking, acting, and feeling in ways you don´t desire, stop, and empty your mind. Reset. Then breathe, start on a fresh note and see what comes to you of elevated thinking, inspired by more elevated energies and ”frequencies”.
Indeed, it is important to be aware of our surroundings of what goes on, but it is equally important to be aware of what goes on inside and thus attempt to adjust, only to come back with greater force, power, and faith.
When you tap into the space where no thoughts exist and apply your own awareness afterward, just being aware, without judging. You´ll begin to witness the world around you, based on the new instances of ideas for how to think, move forward, and exist in the moment. Ideas and nudges coming from a higher dimension?…
Once these ideas enter, you´ll be calmer, less anxious, living more from and into the moment.
The ideal picture here is to get to a point where you merge your own existence with the existence of the one. Where you´re no longer trying to control, but flow in an effortless feeling of being lead.
This will give you a sense of great faith and renewed determination. And you will now have a new perspective, a clean slate to work from, and direct your business.
Perhaps these times bring forth even greater importance of sensing… And then moving forward. Than merely just hanging in with old ideas, habits, and action patterns, which may need to be replaced at some point sooner or later.
What needs to be replaced, decluttered, and renewed in your life? In your business?
Is this the time where new ways of behaving among your loved ones should take place – in order to feed back to yourself a sense of revitalization which will only give your work a new fresh breath of air?
I believe it´s time to plug into allowing to be inspired, making room for new and more powerful ways of moving forward.
So, be informed, but make room for new, inspired ways of handling what comes your way. Either from within. Or from without.
And remember, you can affect the outcome of any situation by adding your own adjusted way of perceiving what´s being presented to you.
High-ticket Mentor,