College Thriver Inc is a software platform designed to provide disadvantaged students with the opportunity to apply for and get accepted into reputable Colleges and Universities while keeping students aligned with Institutional goals and processes. Their mission is to become a quality solution for facilitating high-school minorities and low-income individuals who are pursuing academic excellence to find suitable matches based on their skills and competency levels. Educational Institutions and employers will be charged a nominal fee to join the College Thriver Educational Network; However, students will not be required to pay anything to download or use the application and qualified students will receive free mentoring.
College Thriver Inc. provides a vast collegiate network by providing a database designed for students, colleges, and employers. It is composed of student profiles, applications, portfolios, and more. They offer an innovative web-based platform and mobile application utilized as a virtual resource that aids in the college application process while also facilitating internship opportunities.
This new program encourages strategic alliances with local and national employers for internship and work-study opportunities by ensuring that selected students are the best possible fit. In the fight against racial injustice and socioeconomic disparities, College Thriver Inc. offers forward-focused initiatives centered around diverse educational programs while providing financial literacy counseling to increase opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented populations.
Some of the other services provided include college prep planning courses, retention assistance programs that are designed for students that are struggling emotionally, financially, or academically to increase program completion and graduation rates, in addition to a student skills inventory programs, which is an in-depth analysis of student skills to ensure proper job matching for specific curriculums and career targets.
College Thriver Inc. plans to become the leading brand in the Educational, Consulting, and Training Industry in the entire Orlando area and one of the top 20 Education Consulting firms in the U.S. within the first 10 years of operation.
To learn more about College Thriver Inc., contact Shawntia Lee via telephone at 407-720-1201 or via email at [email protected]